
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week of Feb. 28-Mar. 4

Please be sure your sixth grade friend is bringing a coat, not a sweatshirt, lightweight jacket, or hoodie,  to school for recess in these COLD weather days.  When the temperature is below 50 degrees at our recess time, students are required to wear a coat outside.

School Events this week:

This is Kentucky Week!

Tues., Mar. 1:  Colonial Day:  Dress like a pioneer.  Tutoring
 Wed, Mar. 2:  Dr. Seuss Day:  Wear pajamas.   Students attend school all day
Thurs., Mar. 3: Government Day:  Dress like a government official. Group pictures for the yearbook. Tutoring
Fri., Mar. 4: Economics Day:  Wear clothing from a Kentucky college or university.  Snack break

Mrs. Dublin's 6th Grade Math:
Week of Dec. 13
Mon.: Math Lesson
Tues.: Math Lesson
Wed.:  Vocab. Test; Math Lesson
Thurs.:  New Vocab. Words; Math Lesson
Fri.:  Learning Check
Math –Mrs. Doyle
We will have a vocabulary test on Thursday and a unit test next Friday. We will have a mad minute facts test every day next week. The students are not allowed to skip problems and will have 5 minutes to complete the fact test. The students will receive extra instruction and be asked to correct the facts test during study hall if the grade is below an 94%.

1.    Multiplying mixed numbers
2.    Dividing mixed numbers
3.    Using prime factorization to reduce mixed numbers
4.  Complementary and supplementary angles

Mrs. Becki Stratton's Reading Group

Mrs. Allen's Language Arts and Social Studies
Monday:  Write spelling words 4 times.
Tuesday:  Spelling test;  We are working on a non-fiction article.  Ask your student to explain something interesting from his/her selection.
Wednesday:  Missed spelling words on Tuesday's test must be written 10 times each.
Thursday:  Final spelling test
Friday:  Vocabulary Test; Read for AR